Our Mission


To be a beacon of hope and a catalyst for change in communities affected by social and economic challenges.

The Alan Blueford Foundation (ABF) is dedicated to empowering and uplifting families in need through comprehensive social services. We recognize the profound gaps left by inadequate social welfare systems and a challenging economy. Our goal is to break the cycles of violence, loss, and despair that plague many communities, replacing them with support, hope, and renewal.

In stark contrast to state-sponsored institutions that often create obstacles, the ABF strives to be an accessible, empathetic, and effective community resource. We are committed to removing barriers to assistance, ensuring that every individual and family receives the support they need to thrive.

Established in 2013 by Jeralynn and Adam Blueford, following the tragic loss of their son, Alan Dwayne Blueford, the foundation stands on the pillars of faith, unwavering dedication, and the collective efforts of volunteers, businesses, and organizations. We are united in our mission to foster change, empower individuals, and rejuvenate our communities.

Our foundation is more than an organization; it is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. As Jeralynn and Adam Blueford affirm, "As parents who have endured the unimaginable loss of our son Alan to police violence, we understand the struggles for civil rights and justice. We, and others who have paid a similar price, are uniquely positioned to offer healing and inspiration for collective action."

Together, we are building a legacy of hope and transformation, one life at a time.

About the Alan Blueford Foundation

Just after midnight on Saturday May 6th, 2012 Alan Blueford and two of his friends were waiting for some girls to pick them up on 90th Ave., in East Oakland, after the Floyd Mayweather fight. Not long after Alan had phoned his parents to check-in with them, a car slowly pulled up to them with its lights off. Alan ran. One officer gave chase. A few blocks later Alan was shot by OPD officer Miguel Masso. Masso also shot himself in the foot. Over a dozen witnesses all said that Alan had no weapon and posed no threat to the officer.

Why did the police approach Alan and his friends with their lights off? Why did they give chase when Alan had committed no crime and posed no threat to the officer? Why was Alan shot three times when he had no weapon? How did a trained officer shoot himself in the foot? From the witnesses’ statements, why was Alan not given emergency CPR by OPD? Why did the OPD change their story to the family several times in the days after the shooting? Why have they refused to release the coroner’s report, despite the fact that it has been complete for weeks?

The family has gotten nothing but lies, distortions and stalling from the OPD.

The Blueford family and the Justice 4 Alan Blueford Coalition are demanding:

  • Officer Miguel Masso be fired and charged with Alan’s murder.

  • OPD Chief Howard Jordan be held accountable for lying to the Blueford family.

  • An end to stop-and-frisk and other police practices of racial profiling.

  • The repeal of the Police Officers’ Bill of Rights, that shields violent cops from prosecution and keeps them on the street.


Make a donation.

Your donations will assist in providing resources to empower mothers/families become agents of change in their communities.


Sign our Petition

And join the fight for justice and  end police brutality against our community.